Under the Mistletoe
Under the
HFCA Publishing House
Under the Mistletoe
Lexi Buchanan
Published by HFCA at Amazon
Copyright © 2012 Lexi Buchanan
All rights reserved.
This book is a written act of fiction. Any places, characters, or similarities are purely coincidence. If certain places or characters are referenced it is for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
To my sister
x x x
A big thank you to everyone listed here,
for their help and encouragement.
Suella Holland
Cover Art
Alison Chaffin Higson
Beta Reader
Robin Harper
Wicked Cool Design
A special thank you to
Author Jennifer Foor
for taking time out from
Ty, Colt and Connor
to read this book.
Chapter 1
I’m traveling home for the holidays and being squished between a man who doesn’t smell too good and an adolescent boy, who can’t seem to stop grinning at me, certainly isn’t my idea of fun. I’ve been on the go since 4am, when I left for the airport for my flight home. My Dad had wanted to meet me when I landed, but I really didn’t want him making the journey. It would have been a six hour round trip for him.
The bus is now fifteen minutes out and the butterflies in my stomach have started. It’s been two years since I’ve been home. Two very long years spent trying to get Gabe out of my head and heart, but I have a really bad feeling he’s there to stay.
I’d gone home then for the holidays and stepped right off the bus in town to be greeted by Gabe, all six foot six inches of him, to be hit with a surge of lust and love so strong it frightened the life out of me. It stopped me dead in my tracks, because Gabe to all intents and purposes is my brother.
He was three when my parents, Martha and David, had taken him in to live with us, his parents having been killed in a car crash. So although we’re not related, we’d grown up in the same house as brother and sister.
I’d always been aware of him, but until two years ago had never lusted after him, and now I’m stuck on this godforsaken bus going home again to the guy I’ve fallen in love with, who I can never be with.
The bus is finally pulling into the stop in town. Struggling through the throng of people blocking my way to the exit, I finally descend taking some deep breaths of fresh country air, “Mmm, home.” Even better is seeing the town that I haven’t realized I’d missed until now.
Looking around the small town, which is always wonderfully lit at Christmas, I see that this year is no exception. The general store is covered in colored lights with a Santa and his reindeer lit up on the roof. Jacy’s Pharmacy has small Christmas trees along the front of the roof with holly shaped lights in the windows and the trees around the town square are decorated with gold lights.
“Are you going to stand around all night sis?” My brother asks making me jump. I turn and see him walking towards me with a big grin on his face.
With a screech, I run slipping and sliding on the snow and ice straight into his arms for a really big hug. “You look good sis.”
“You got one of them for me?” My heart flips. Gabe.
Trying to act normal, and not let him see how much I’ve missed him, I turn and smile up at him as I approach. I can hear Travis in the background saying something about getting my bags.
Reaching Gabe he opens his arms, never taking his eyes from me, as I walk into them. I wrap my arms tight around his waist, inside his open coat, burying my face against his chest just breathing him in. He seems to be holding me just as tight, as though he never wants to let me go. “I’ve missed you Gabe.” God he feels so good and smells of the cologne he favors. Every time he touches me I get tingles that run all the way through me ending between my legs.
“I’ve missed you too Bree.” Leaning down he kisses me on the head and smoothes his hand down my back making me shiver.
He starts to pull away; I reluctantly let go of him and stand back. Looking up into his face, I briefly see the look of longing, for me, before he turns back to the truck.
Clearing his throat, “You better get in the truck before you freeze to death.” He reaches out and opens the door for me, taking my elbow to make sure I don’t slip on the ice.
I’m sitting in the warm cab as I watch Gabe climb into the passenger seat to wait for Travis, who’s on his way over with my one bag of luggage.
Pulling out of town with Travis driving, I find my eyes keep moving to Gabe, who keeps catching me staring at him in the mirror. He seems to be doing some looking of his own.
He still looks as handsome as always and staying away hasn’t helped with my feelings for him one bit. I’m still in love with him; I guess I always will be. Why can’t he just be a friend of Travis instead of my brother? My parents have never adopted him, they told him that his parents had loved him and they wanted to honor their memory by letting him keep the name they’d given him. If he wanted them to, all he had to do was say the word, but he never had.
As Travis pulls the truck to the front of the house my parents are waiting by the door; no sign of my sister Beth though. She’s probably around somewhere with Simon, the boyfriend of the month or so Travis told me on the phone when I rang the other day.
I climb out of the truck and feel close to tears. I’m an idiot for staying away so long. They’re my family and no matter how I feel about Gabe and how much it hurts to be close to him and not be with him, I can’t stay away again. I run to the porch trying not to break my neck throwing myself into my parent’s arms.
With tears in my eyes, “Mom, I’ve missed you and Dad so much.”
“Then you shouldn’t stay away so long honey. Now come inside and warm up.”
“Okay Mom. When’s supper? Do I have time to stretch out for a few minutes? I’m exhausted.”
“It’s in about an hour honey, okay?”
Coming to stand beside me, Gabe has my bag in his hand, “I’ll take your bag upstairs.”
“Thanks Gabe.” I say as I follow him upstairs to my room.
Walking into the room that has been mine since I was a small child feels odd with Gabe standing inside, looking out of the window. “It’s started snowing again.”
I walk over to join him, “I love the snow.” Standing so close to him feels real good. All I want right now is for him to turn and take me into his arms. Not going to happen.
“I remember…. I better go
.” Moving away from the window, he walks to the door and turns back to find me looking at him and for a split second, he looks at me with the same longing I feel for him.
Chapter 2
I’ve been left alone in my room for now, so I’ve spent the time unpacking and have exchanged my boots for my favorite thick woolly socks. Sitting on the seat in the window, I look out at the snow, wondering what to do about Gabe.
A couple of times I’ve caught him looking at me with heat in his eyes. There’s no way I’m mistaken. In fact I’m convinced the only thing standing in the way of us being together is my family.
An hour has passed so I decide to head downstairs only to be introduced to Gabe’s friend, Tracy. How I manage to be polite to her I’ll never know. I feel as though my heart’s being ripped out. I want to cry out that he’s mine and to stay away from him. Excusing myself, I head to the guest bathroom and lock myself in. Leaning against the sink, I take some deep breaths to try and stop the tears which are threatening to fall. He could have warned me he had a guest coming for dinner. How could he do this to me?
Finally having myself under control, I head back to the lounge only to have Tracy appear to the side of me and all I want to do is run. “Hi Bree, is this your first trip home for a while? I haven’t met you before.” She asks.
Trying to keep my voice steady, I reply, “Two years. How long have you been in town?” I ask her, while she seems distracted watching every move Gabe makes.
“I moved here about eighteen months ago…. Your brother is so hot.”
I really can’t stay here another minute otherwise I really will be in tears, “If you’ll excuse me a minute.” I rush up to my room to get away and to try to get my emotions in check before someone notices. I can’t keep doing this. I’ve been home just over an hour and I’m already a wreck because Gabe has a girl.
I haven’t been in my room long when I hear someone knocking on my door, “Who is it?”
“Bree, open the door.” Jumping off the bed, I open the door to my sister Beth, who throws her arms around me as we both hug really tight. This is just what I needed.
I pull her into the room and shut the door behind her dragging her over to the bed. “When do I get to meet Simon?”
“He’s downstairs. No hundred and one questions when you meet him sis. Promise?”
“Okay, I promise Beth.”
Frowning, I have to ask, “How long has Gabe been going out with Tracy?”
With a puzzled look, “They aren’t going out. Tracy works at the diner and she’s been after him for ages, but he’s never accepted, until tonight.”
Feeling slightly better, I look at my sister, “Really?”
“Yeah, it’s a bit weird that he invited her here tonight though. Anyway come on, Mom sent me up to look for you, supper’s ready.”
Feeling much better now that I know Gabe isn’t with Tracy, I manage to put a smile back on my face and head downstairs with Beth.
Entering the dining room everyone is already sat waiting for us. I take the seat between my Mom and Travis, across from Gabe. "Sorry to keep you waiting."
“You okay honey?”
“I’m fine Mom.” Feeling Gabe’s eyes on me, I quickly look up, then away, not knowing what he wants from me. He knows me like no other, so he’ll know that I’m upset, whether or not he figures out why, is something else.
“Okay, everyone dig in.” My father announces. The noise level is just as I remember. Loud!
Eating the supper my Mom has worked hard on, probably for my arrival home; I can’t help but keep looking at Gabe. Nearly every time I do, Tracy has her hand on his arm or is touching him in some way. I actually feel like stabbing Tracy’s hand with my fork, telling her to keep her paws off my guy.
I look up again and clash with Gabe’s eyes which are filled with as much longing as I feel for him. How I manage to get through the rest of the meal I’ll never know, but as soon as I can I retreat to my room.
I have a shower and put a nightshirt on along with my robe to keep the chill off and slip my feet into my slippers. I walk over to the window seat and sit watching the snow fall. Unable to hold my tears in, I just let them flow from my eyes down my cheeks, for want of what I can’t have.
If the looks Gabe kept throwing at me during supper mean anything, then he looked to be just as tormented as I am.
Really crying now, I place my head in my hands and let it all out; this has been building for two years. After awhile, I can hear everyone settling in for the night. Looking at the clock, I’m surprised to find its gone midnight.
I go into the bathroom to wash my face then I open the bedroom door and listen for movement downstairs to make sure there’s no one lingering around. Not hearing anyone, I quietly slip down to the kitchen and just pray no one joins me, because I really don’t want to have to explain my puffy eyes.
Chapter 3
Talk about being pissed and frustrated as hell. My frustration is probably lying upstairs in her bed flat out asleep, while I’m down here trying to stop myself from marching up the stairs and claiming her as mine for all time.
How the hell have I got screwed up over my ‘sister’? She was one when her parents had taken me in after my parents died. I had no other family and Bree’s mother had insisted I live with them. Apparently, she couldn’t abide to have me shipped off to child services, and working for the Sheriff’s Department helped her to keep me with her family.
It feels like I’ve been in love with her forever. It was seven years ago when she turned seventeen that I realized my feelings for her were more than brotherly. I’d hoped when she left for college to be able to get on with my life, which I have to some extent, but I’m still alone and still have no one special to share my life with. Because the only person I want is upstairs.
When Bree had climbed off the bus two years ago, I’d thought my heart had stopped, she was stunning. I’d kept to myself a lot that visit, catching glimpses here and there and at meal times. It had taken everything I had not to give myself away, and now she’s home again.
Sitting in the kitchen in the dark with a drink of whisky before heading home, I see Bree walk softly into the room and straight to the fridge. How do I deal with the object of my affection standing there looking hot as hell in her short robe? Not thinking, I walk and stand behind the door.
She closes the door and nearly drops the milk, “Christ, you scared me to death.” Walking over to the cupboard to get a glass for the milk, she can’t bring herself to look at me.
“Look at me Bree.” I say, moving in close to her back, not touching, but close enough for her to know I’m there.
I put my hands on her shoulders and turn her around to face me. I smooth my hands up to her face in a light caress as she finally looks into my eyes.
She takes hold of my arms and as I look into her eyes they fill with tears and start to fall down her face, “Bree, please don’t cry.” With a groan, I lean in closer and place soft kisses on her cheeks to try and stem the flow of tears. “God Bree, you’re killing me…. Have you got any idea how difficult it is to stay away from you? All I want to do is take you to my bed and keep you there.”
She lifts her tear-filled eyes to look at me again, “You want me?” She whispers in disbelief.
“More than I’ve ever wanted anyone or anything. Bree, Tracy was here to keep you away from me. But I can’t fight you, I had no idea it would hurt so much, hurting you by bringing her here tonight.”
“I want you too Gabe, so much. I feel as though I always have.” Moving closer to me she puts her hands on my hips. My cock feels ready to burst and with her hands on my hips, she keeps opening and closing her fists, which is driving me crazy.
Reaching up Bree puts her lips to mine for our very first kiss. She licks slowly along my upper lip and then my lower one, she then dips her tongue into my mouth for a taste of me, and withdrawing her tongue she then plunges it f
orward again. Finally having enough of the teasing, I take a firm hold of her head and plunder her mouth with my tongue, making us both forget everything, but each other.
Untying her robe, I push it off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Taking hold of her butt, while still assaulting her mouth, I bring her up against my erection. She wraps her arms around my neck; I lift her up to me as she wraps her legs around my waist and starts to grind her pussy against my cock.
I’ve wanted her for years and to finally have her in my arms has me so worked up I’m not sure I can last. Pulling my mouth away from her, I want to make this last and I also DO NOT want to make love to her in her parent’s kitchen. But I can’t leave her like this, hell I’m not even sure I can walk anywhere with my cock stiff as hell.
“I need to taste you.”
Setting her down on the edge of the kitchen table I push her back, so she’s lying flat, dropping to my knees, I lift her nightshirt and open her legs, putting them over my shoulders.
Smoothing my hands around the top of her thighs, I move slowly licking along her inner thigh. As I get closer to her pussy, I just breathe in her scent. God, I could come from the smell of her, my cock’s throbbing in my jeans.
Opening them has my cock springing free. I take hold of my erection and start to apply pressure while I move my hand up and down a few times.
Sticking my tongue out, I lick along her outer lips opening her up to my mouth. I then dip my tongue into her channel making her gasp in pleasure.
“Gabe that feels good.”
“This is mine. No one else’s, but mine.” I say as I put my tongue inside her again.
“It’s yours.” Bree whispers to me.
Using one hand to rub between her legs, I insert one finger into her, then another, all the while I fist my cock.
Using my mouth on her clit, sucking and licking, I continue to make love to her with my mouth and fingers.