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Sultry Page 5
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Page 5
“I’d spend all my time with you, Donovan, if I could, and I think you know that.”
I nod in acknowledgement.
“You want to take the bike out with me? Go to Orange Beach.”
“Orange Beach? That’s just over an hour away.”
“I know.”
Hours of having her wrapped around my back sounds like heaven—her legs rubbing against mine—torcher.
“I don’t have any beach stuff with me.”
Shaking my head, I get to my feet. “C’mon. I think Callie left some clothes the last time she stayed here with Reece. She probably has a bikini or something.”
Mara slides her hand into mine so I tighten my fingers around hers. Keeping her with me as we walk through the house to the spare bedroom that Reece uses when he stays here, I enjoy the feeling of her with me.
At least with Callie having been here with him, the room is neat, which is a huge change from the slob Reece can be.
“She said she was leaving stuff in the top drawer so check in there.” I point to the set of drawers to the right of the bed. And feel her loss when she removes her hand from mine.
Sitting on the bed for want of something to do, I watch as she opens the drawer and roots around before pulling out a string bikini.
Oh hell no!
“This is nice,” she says, holding the bikini up before stretching the cups of the top apart.
There isn’t anyway she’s wearing that scrap of material. I’ll be fighting every fucker off, not to mention I’ll be walking around with a permanent hard-on.
She tosses the bikini panties down on top of the set of drawers, before holding a triangle of material up to her left breast. All it’s going to cover is a nipple at this rate. What the hell was I thinking? Not that I spend any time thinking about Callie’s attributes, but I guess she is smaller than Mara.
Then she glances at me, and smiles, saying, “This will do,” before sauntering out of the bedroom.
I’m left with a hard-on ready to pound nails. I’m not going to survive today watching her walk around in that thing Callie calls a bikini.
Needing a minute, I make sure my tee shirt covers what’s going on in my jeans before heading towards my room. “I’ll be out in a minute. Just grabbing some shorts.”
Closing my bedroom door, I make quick work of getting my jeans off, following them with my shorts as my dick springs free and jerks as the air hits it. The tip is wet with excitement, but it’s going to have to behave for now. I don’t have time to stroke one off, although I’d probably last all of thirty seconds right about now.
Opening my closet, I grab a pair of swim shorts and yank them up my legs in frustration—sucking in a breath when I brush against my dick. I’m going to have a bad case of blue balls by the time today is over with.
Grabbing my jeans, I shove my legs back into them while praying for strength. I might have had my eyes open to her a couple of years back, but never have I struggled to control myself around her. It’s as though now she’s turned eighteen all the hands off signs are gone. I’m ignoring Reece for now because for the first time since my parents died, I want something for me. She makes me feel alive rather than stuck in a rut and I really need that right now.
Hearing my phone beep with a text, I’m pulled out of my thoughts about the girl waiting out on the porch for me. I palm my phone and watch her leaning over the railing, as she looks lost in thought, staring at the lake.
With a quick glance, I cuss. Sarah—again!
“Is everything okay?”
“Um, yeah. It’s fine.” I slip my phone into my back pocket and walk towards her. “Are you ready to go?”
“I am. I’ve changed into the bikini, and I’ve put two towels into the knapsack that I found by the door.” She hauls it up into her arms. “But we could do with some sunscreen.”
“I’ll go grab it. We can get drinks when we get there,” I add as I reach up into the cupboard for the high factor sunscreen.
I wonder if she’ll need help rubbing it on. Okay, perhaps I better not go there.
“I think that’s everything.” I pass the sunscreen to her before getting my keys for the garage and bike off the hook. “Let’s go.”
Chapter Nine
Slipping out of my jeans, I fold them neatly and put them into the knapsack we brought with us. I’ll keep my shirt on for now until I can work up the courage to practically bare all. I might wait until Donovan gets back so I don’t miss his reaction.
On arriving, because we’d been on Donovan’s bike, we’d managed to park directly at the footpath leading to the sand and ocean. It really is beautiful here. Sitting for over an hour on the back of his bike wasn’t exactly comfortable, although it was exhilarating. Not just the fresh air on my face filled with the heat you always get during our Alabama summer, but because I had an excuse to put my hands on Donovan. I didn’t miss the hiss that escaped his lips as soon as I’d climbed on the bike behind him, or the shudder that had rippled across his body as I slipped my hands around his stomach and slid my thighs against his.
Smiling, I re-arrange the umbrella he bought so it covers the knapsack, leaving room for the drinks Donovan has gone to purchase from the beach café. About to get comfortable on the towel, I remember that I haven’t put any sunscreen on yet so bending down I root through the bag, which is how Donovan catches me.
“What the fuck!”
I spin around, nearly toppling over. Donovan stops me from landing on my ass by grabbing hold of my arm. “What?”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. But, well…never mind.”
Hiding my smile, I make sure I’m facing him as I peel my tee shirt off.
“Jesus Mara,” he cusses in a strangled voice as my head appears from beneath the clothing.
I toss my shirt on top of the bag and look at him. He has a flush along his strong cheekbones and just before he turns away from me, I catch the bulge behind his zipper.
“You must be hot in your jeans. Didn’t you put swim shorts on before we left?”
“Yeah. I’m fine for now” He glances at me from over his shoulder. “Are you sure you want to wear that?” He turns to face me again and stands with his hands on his hips. “We can find you something else. They have wet suits over there.”
Wetsuits? Is he serious?
I glance up at his face and, yeah, he’s serious.
“What do I need a wetsuit for?”
“Forget I mentioned it,” he says before dropping on to a towel and raising his knees with a wince.
Sitting down next to him, I try to hide my grin because I know exactly what his problem is, and it’s all to do with the bikini I’m wearing. I’m practically naked, but if it gets his blood going, I’m not about to change or to act self-conscious. Covering up is my first instinct, but it’s not going to happen now I’ve seen how Donovan reacts to me.
“Donovan don’t be stupid, you’re going to fry if you keep your jeans on.”
Jumping to his feet, he turns away and strips his jeans down his long, muscular legs, with hardly any hair coating them, before dropping back to this towel.
“Happy now?”
“That depends. Are you more comfortable?”
He shakes his head and ignores me, but I catch him watching me out of the corner of his eye while I start smoothing sunscreen on my legs, then my arms before finally settling for my stomach. When I get to my chest, he makes a kind of choking noise before suddenly flipping over and lying on his stomach, looking away from me.
Rolling my eyes, I quickly finish with the sunscreen, but realize I can’t reach my back so I settle on my stomach on the towel and whisper, “Um, Donovan.”
He groans and turns to look at me. “What, babe?”
I smile at the endearment and ask, “Can you rub the sunscreen into my back for me, please?” knowing how his body is affected by mine.
He’s not the only one affected though. My breasts and nipples are aching with
arousal, which match the ache going on between my thighs—an ache I haven’t felt there before.
“Shit, Mara…Pass me the sun stuff.”
I pass it to him and rest my face on my hands before I wiggle into a more comfortable position with my legs slightly partied.
And then I feel the sunscreen hit my back, which causes me to gasp at the coldness on my heated skin, but my gasp turns into a moan as Donovan’s hands start to smooth it in along my spine to the edge of the bikini panties before he moves back up to my shoulders. He gentle massages the muscle there and the gentle caress that he’s doing is making me feel sleepy. But I’m wide-awake when his hands start to rub my bottom where the panties have ridden up before briefly slipping between my legs. With a mind of their own my legs fall open, desperate for his touch to move higher to my core.
“Mara…you’re killing me.”
Turning my head so I can see him—and see him I do—standing at attention. I lick my lips before meeting his gaze.
“We’re on a beach, Mara.” He pushes his dick back against his body with his hand. “I’m going to lie in the shade and catch up on some sleep.”
He fastens the sunscreen back up and tosses it near to the knapsack before climbing over me with his towel and setting up beneath the sun umbrella.
Lifting up slightly, I grab the wallet that I’d placed slightly beneath the towel before I settled down with my kindle paper white in. I’m half way through reading Beautiful Rose by Alison Chaffin Higson. It’s really good; two love stories in the one book and a boy who on occasion makes me laugh with the things he comes out with.
Donovan is snoring away to my left and in his sleep he’s flipped over on to his back. As he snores away, I admire him. He really is a beautiful man with his short dark hair, five o’clock shadow and abs that make my mouth water. Even in sleep I affect him—his dick is pushing up against his shorts—and he’s growing. I’m unable to move my eyes away from him.
I wonder what or whom he’s dreaming about that has his dick so hard and ready with the slight jerking movements every now and again.
Is it me he’s dreaming about?
With watching Donovan’s arousal grow, mine is pushing at my body for more…but more what? My nipples are rock hard and every slight movement against the sand causes desire to shoot straight between my legs. I might not have that much experience with guys or how they’re supposed to make me feel, but I know there is only one guy my body craves just as much as my heart does.
Should I make the first move? It’s been obvious over the past few weeks that he wants me just as much as I want him. Well, I hope he wants me just as much.
I’ve just never been so forward before, but if I don’t do anything, we’re both probably going to be ninety by the time he gets around to something else. I loved being close to him in the changing room of the dress store, but I need more now—so does my body.
Slowly, so as not to wake him, I crawl closer and cuddle in to his side. His sleepy eyes open then widen when he realizes I’m in his arms and that my hand is caressing over his stomach. He stops my wandering hand with his.
“What are you doing? On a beach…in public.”
“I have an ache,” I blurt out, raising one leg over his. I bend my knee and nudge against his erection with it.
He groans and closes his eyes.
“We are not doing this.” He rolls on top of me, pinning me beneath him. His cock throbs between my legs. “Jesus, Mara.” His forehead drops to mine. “We can’t,” he whispers as his mouth is slowly getting closer and closer to mine.
“Kiss her dude,” someone shouts, breaking the spell.
“Yeah, go on kiss her.”
Donovan turns his head to the sound of voices, and starts grinning like an idiot. I look as well and start laughing. There are about eight guys, around the same age as me, standing not too far away staring at us.
With a bow, they leave us alone.
“Just in time,” Donovan comments, kneeling up between my thighs. Swiping a hand across his face, he says, “I want you Mara, you know that, but you really need to stop teasing me.”
Okay, now I’m getting angry. Why does he have to act like it’s my entire fault that he wants me? I know I’ve been teasing him this afternoon, but he’s acting as though he had nothing to do with his body’s reaction. Dick!
Shoving him over on his ass, I get to my feet and grabbing my floppy, white sunhat with a sunflower on that he bought me when we arrived, I ignore him and stride to the ocean to calm down.
I hate this between us. I also hate the fact that my idiot of a brother is in the middle. If it wasn’t for him...
“Mara, wait up,” Donovan shouts, breaking into my thoughts.
I slow my step, but not altogether and wait for him to catch up to me when I reach the ocean.
Chapter Ten
Catching up to Mara, I’ve no idea what to say to her. She’s standing in front of me looking so damn hot, and I don’t just mean from the heat. The sun seems to shimmer on her body and the way she fills out Callie’s bikini should be illegal.
Shaking my head of the lustful thoughts that got me into this to begin with, I reach for her hand and entwine my fingers with hers.
“I’m not sure what happened back there,” I admit, hoping she isn’t going to get mad all over again. “I’m presuming it was something I said, but—”
“I felt as though you were blaming me for the way your body reacts to me.” She faces the ocean. “All I want is for you to want me as much as I want you,” she whispers, close to tears.
My heart misses a beat or two in my chest while it registers what she’s just admitted. I use my other hand and tilt her face up to me instead of the ocean so I can press a quick kiss to her lips. Nothing like I actually want to do, but better than nothing at all.
Feeling the ocean lap around my ankles, I hold her gaze. “I want you more than you’ll ever know—probably more than you want me, but you’re my best friend’s little sister. Reece knows me really well, and…and, him and Phoenix are the only family I have left. I can’t lose that.” She goes to pull free of my hand, but I hold tight. “For the first time since college I want to spend time with a girl and for it not to involve sex.” I grin. “Even though that’s constantly on my mind when I’m with you or not with you. So 24/7 really.”
She chuckles, which is what I intended even though it’s probably the truth.
“You really are a temptation when fully clothed so imagine what you do to me dressed like this. Or what it does to me knowing all the guys on the beach are ogling my girl.”
The smile she gives me lights up her whole face at my words. I don’t say anything else not wanting to go into further explanation on the ‘my girl.’
“Let’s go in the water.”
Tugging on my hand, she pulls me with her into the surf.
Being here with her today is the first time I’ve been back since my parents passed away. They used to bring me here as a young boy for a few days break here and there. Sometimes, as I got older, they’d bring Reece and Phoenix with us as well. Fun times.
“Hey, where did you go?” Mara asks, reaching up with her hand to push my hair back from my eyes.
“Thinking.” Regardless of what I said five minutes ago, I tug her into my arms with her back against my chest. I wrap my arms around her waist while nuzzling into her neck.
With memory’s running through my mind, I need her in my arms to keep me grounded and in the present. It’s so easy to go back there when I’m alone.
Hugging is fine though. Right? It’s not sexual. At least, not yet it isn’t. We need to talk about something to get my mind off my dick and what it wants to do to the girl in my arms. But about what? Ah, I know.
“I need a distraction,” I whisper into her ear and feel her shiver against me as I move us into deeper water. “Will you tell me about your blog?”
Although she’s standing still, I feel the air around us freeze
. Of course she had no idea that I know about her sideline hobby or business, which is surprising, considering how popular it is. About eight months ago I created a new email account so I could follow her blog without her being any the wiser. I also wanted to keep an eye on her—too many fuckers out there.
“How,” she clears her throat. “How do you know about that?”
I kiss her shoulder, and tighten my hold around her waist as a more powerful wave moves us with the force of it. The water is now lapping at Mara’s chest, cushioning and caressing her breasts. I’m unable to move my eyes from the sight, but as my dick makes itself known, I raise my head from watching over her shoulders and look out to sea as I reply, “I found it by accident.”
Laughing, I admit, “Well it depends on which way you look at it.”
She smacks me on the arm and tries to break free, but I won’t let her. “Simmer down, babe. I haven’t told anyone if that’s what you’re worried about. And to put your mind at rest I only know because I was on my way to the back of your house one time and overheard you on the phone. Your voice may have stopped me in my tracks for a few minutes and I overheard what you were saying. Although most of it didn’t register until about half way through.”
“So you spied on me? Is that what you’re saying?” She wiggles round to face me, her hands caressing back and forth on my arms. My hands are now resting on her hips, and as she moves closer there’s no hiding my erection.
“Not exactly, um—” What was I about to say? My brain doesn’t seem to be working with the waves pushing her against me—her rock hard nipples, rubbing against my chest—my cock rubbing against her stomach.
Closing my eyes, I try to count to ten to get rid of the lust clouding by brain, and the sensations running through my body. But opening my eyes, I see the same desire reflected back at me through Mara’s eyes.
Grinding my molars, I close my eyes again and turn her back around; I practically beg her, “Talk to me, Mara. Please distract me.” I hiss when her bottom rubs against my balls.