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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 7) Read online

Page 6

  “Thalia, you look lovely. Come and meet my husband, Graham.” Stephanie took hold of my arm and pulled me over to where her husband was standing in what looked to be a heated discussion with Jack. “Graham, this is Liam’s girl, Thalia, and this is Jack.” Why did that sound like an insult when she introduced Jack?

  “We’ve already met,” Jack said, turning his back on me.

  I held my hand out to Graham, “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Graham looked pissed when he glanced at Jack, then turned back to me and shook my hand.

  “Call me Graham… Jack, don’t be rude to your brother’s girlfriend.”

  Inwardly I groaned. The last thing I wanted was to piss Jack off via his father.

  Jack turned back to me with a furious expression. If I could have moved, I’d have run, but I was frozen to the spot.

  “As my brother has abandoned you, let me take you in to dinner.”

  Jack turned, took hold of my elbow and pulled me out of the room. I shivered at his touch, which dragged a giggle from between my lips. What the hell had possessed me to giggle, I’d never know, but I’d also taken Jack by surprise. He stopped in his tracks and looked down at me with eyes full of heat. He pushed me away from him. “Stay away from me. My brother doesn’t bite, but I do!” With that comment he stomped off and took his seat at the table.

  Liam walked over to me, looking between the two of us again. “What did he say?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” I could see Jack watching us out of the corner of my eye.

  After a minute Liam put his arm around my shoulders, and pulled the chair out at the table for me. The meal was going to be hell considering I was sitting opposite Jack.

  I took my seat, moving my chair closer to the table then did what I’d decided was best – ignored Jack.

  The meal was a very uncomfortable, silent affair and I nearly sagged in relief when I ate the last spoon of the chocolate dessert, feeling ready to burst. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d eaten so much. I leaned back in the chair, meeting Jack’s eyes from across the table.

  “You enjoy that, little girl?” he sneered.

  Ugh, I hated that. I gave him my ‘you’ll give me anything smile’, which Callie constantly told me made big men weep. “Very much, did you?” I replied in a sultry voice.

  He shifted in his chair, glaring at me before standing up. “I’m out of here.”

  Thank God.

  “Thalia, please excuse Jack. He’s always been a difficult child. Believe it or not, he does have manners,” Stephanie apologized.

  “It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” I took another drink of my water, standing when Liam did.

  “Excuse us.” Liam took my hand and dragged me out of the room.

  As soon as he’d pulled me on to the porch he started laughing. “God Thalia, I’m sorry. Eating in there was a nightmare and Jack. I’ve no idea what was wrong with him. He’s usually okay when someone else is around.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Just promise me we don’t have to eat in there every day?” I was on the next plane to Texas if he answered in the positive.

  Liam ran his hand through his hair as he perched on the porch railing. “No, we don’t have to eat in there everyday, maybe once a week, on Sundays.”

  “Okay, I can handle that.” I was sitting opposite him, hoping he suggested going to bed, because I needed to lie down after all that food. I wasn’t used to eating so much in one sitting. Oh, I could eat junk food constantly throughout the day, but sitting down to a large meal was just too much.

  “What do you want to do now?”

  I smiled. “I was just thinking I could do with lying down. I’m really full and I guess I’m still tired.”

  “Okay we’ll do something tomorrow. Maybe go to the lake or in town.”

  “I’d like that. Goodnight, Liam.” I stood and walked through the house upstairs to my room. Opening the door I stopped dead in my tracks.

  Jack was in my room leaning against the door to the bathroom.

  Closing the door behind me, I met his eyes. “What are you doing in here?” I demanded, moving closer.

  How the hell could one look from him make my panties wet. I’d never reacted to anyone like I reacted to him. We’d only just met as well. Damn it!

  “I’m sorry about dinner.” His angry gaze sliced through me, making me feel like the apology was my fault. “I never apologize, but I’m never usually rude to a guest either.”

  Standing in front of him, I rested my hands on my hips. Anger flushed my cheeks and I fought the urge to…to…I wasn’t sure if I wanted to hit him or kiss him. “Why were you mad at me?” Undisguised hurt made my voice crack.

  “You’re my brother’s girlfriend, and I’m engaged.”

  “I don’t understand.” The anger drained out of me as I moved closer to him.

  “I know you don’t, but you need to stay away from me, because I’m not sure I have the strength to stay away from you. There’s something about you….” He reached out and caressed my face.

  A lightening heat spread through my body and I thought my knees would buckle.

  “Thalia,” he whispered holding my stare then he turned, and walked back into his room. I heard the lock engage.

  What the hell had just happened?

  For some reason I just wanted to wrap him up in my arms and never let go. That was so bad.

  Chapter Twelve


  I’d needed to leave the house for a while after being so close to Thalia, and that was how I found myself standing outside Kix, undecided as to whether I wanted to enter or not.

  While I contemplated what I was going to do, I stood there glaring at the sign Ryder had put up on the building the other day. It said Kix, in a camouflage design. It looked pretty good and I wouldn’t have minded hearing the full story behind the name. Ryder had mentioned it was named after a friend of his who didn’t make it back to the states, but that was as much as he said.

  “You planning on admiring the sign all night?” Ryder asked, standing about four feet away.

  “Just might.” I grinned, following him around the back.

  “Your ‘boys’ are making use of the storeroom again. I should slap a sign on the door, ‘Fuck Room’.”

  Roaring with laughter, I made a mental note to stay away from there. With how wound up I was, thanks to Thalia, I didn’t trust myself not to use a more ‘hands on’ approach if I joined them.

  “Do you know who they’re with?” I couldn’t resist asking.

  “Same one as the other night.”

  That brought me up short. They never did the same girl twice, just in case she got ideas into her head.

  “She’s only visiting, and flies home tomorrow,” Ryder answered. “Your face gave you away.” He laughed, handing me a longneck.

  Taking a long draw, I leaned against the bar, looking around the place.

  Before Ryder had taken it over it had been a real dump, now the floors shined after being stripped and re-varnished and the walls had been painted. Pictures of baseball players and rockers had gone up on the walls. He’d burned the old tables, replacing them with circular, four-person ones as well as new chairs. The small stage had been rebuilt and just fit our gear on nicely. The guys liked being close to the ‘fans’. According to Reece, it made it easier for them to pick up company. I’d shaken my head as I’d walked off, but I’d missed the trysts we’d participated in; we’d had some fucking hot women.

  The other night had felt odd. Oh yeah, I’d gotten my rocks off watching, which had happened a few times, but it had left me feeling slightly embarrassed. Standing in back watching your two best friends with their jeans around their thighs, flashing their naked butt’s and hard dicks wasn’t something that made me comfortable. Yeah, the three of us had done the same woman at the same time before, but that had been different.

  “Hey, I need to get in the storeroom. Go tell them to get the fuck out,” Ryder asked.

Fuck…Your storeroom. You go.”

  “Not a chance in hell. I’ve kept it zipped a hell of a long time. I do not want the image of what they’re up to in my head.”

  I really did not want to go in that room.

  With heavy feet, I walked slowly towards the room in question. Running my fingers through my hair, I glanced back and spotted Ryder standing behind the bar grinning in my direction. The bastard.

  I banged on the door. “Guy’s? Ryder wants in the room. Hurry it up.”

  Hell. All I could hear was grunting and moans. I did not want to go in that room. No, I did not. Shit. I tried the door, which, surprisingly was unlocked, and pushed it open, slipping inside.

  Instant boner. Donovan was sitting on the desk, legs spread with the woman wrapped around him, his hands on her hips while she bounced up and down on his cock. Reece stood between his legs with his cock in her ass and his hands on her tits, kissing her neck. Twelve months ago, she’d have been in a slightly different position with my cock in her mouth as well. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

  Simone came apart with them both groaning and following her over.

  “Ryder needs the room. Fuckin’ hell!” With that being said, I walked out of the room, slammed the door and came face to face with Ryder. He was leaning against the wall opposite laughing.

  “Sounded good.”

  “You’re a bastard, and you owe me.”

  Walking back to the bar, I was stopped once or twice by someone asking if we were playing later. Seeing the disappointment on their face when I replied in the negative made me smile. Our music was good.

  At the bar, I grabbed another longneck Suzie passed me, knocked it back in one only to have Reece wrap his arm around my neck with a huge grin on his face.

  “Oh man. Going to be sorry to see her go. She had the biggest fucking tits I’ve had the pleasure to suck in a while.”

  I did the only thing I could do; I ignored him.

  For my own peace of mind, I’d needed to leave the house this evening, only to arrive at Kix and witness my two best friends fucking the same woman. I should have known, but needing the escape I hadn’t thought that far ahead.

  “Where’s Donovan?” He was usually the first to appear afterwards.

  “Giving the woman a ride back.”

  I raised an eyebrow in question.

  “She was about to leave with her friend when we arrived so Donovan offered her a ride back.”


  He roared with laughter. “I told her he’d give her a ride back. Don’t have my wheels tonight. Why are you here?”

  “Needed some space.” I was keeping Thalia to myself tonight. There would be plenty of time to mention her, and for them to meet her. Tonight she could be in my thoughts without Reece adding his cent’s worth.

  “Well, as you’re being talkative, I’m going to go and find myself some company for tonight. This new tats hurting like a motherfucker.”

  I watched him walk towards a group of three women, who I hadn’t seen before.

  Chapter Thirteen


  With a large coffee poured, I was sitting outside on the back porch enjoying the stillness of the morning. The best times of day for me were in the morning before everyone was up, and the evening after everyone had gone to bed. There was no one to harass me, or to remind me of what was expected, and I had total peace.

  I’d been awake since five, unable to sleep because of Thalia. She was sleeping in the room next to mine and all I’d wanted to do was climb into bed with her. Not for sex, but to hold her, to feel her arms wrapped around me. It’d been a hell of a long time since I’d had a woman in my arms, for anything. Coming home last night had been difficult, and my shoes had felt full of lead as I’d walked to my room.

  I mused at the night before. All through the dinner I’d watched her and tried not to make it obvious. I’d been pissed with my reaction to her, which had caused me to use the term ‘little girl’. Somehow I’d known it would piss her off, but instead, she’d smiled and replied in a sexy voice; my dick had hardened to steel at the tone. Thank God my t-shirt had covered the evidence. Before I ended up embarrassing myself I’d made a quick escape back to my room.

  Nobody had ever affected me the way she did. What the hell had possessed me to go into her room to wait for her, to apologize for being a dick at dinner? We’d been standing so close when I’d reached out and caressed her face. Thalia’s reaction had told me she was just as affected. I hadn’t wanted to leave, but it was either that or drag her into the shower with me. A shower, which I’d ended up taking when I climbed out of bed this morning in an effort to relieve my throbbing cock.

  I sighed. My peace was broken, someone was in the kitchen cluttering around, and then the porch door opened.

  My coffee half way to my mouth, I looked up and froze. Thalia, she was beautiful.

  “You coming out?” I asked, seeing her hesitate. She looked like a deer caught in headlights.

  “If I’m not in the way.”

  Shaking my head, I offered her the seat across from me. There was no way I wanted her sitting beside me, but as she sat down, I got a look at her deliciously long legs. She had her pale pink robe on, which came down to her toes. Her dark hair was haphazardly piled on top of her head with bits flying around her face and neck. I gripped the cup of coffee tighter as she looked at me.

  She took her time looking at me, but for the blush slowly creeping up her cheeks, I would have said she was in a trance.

  “It’s beautiful here. I could sit here all day and never move.”

  I chuckled at her enthusiasm. “Oh, you’d move alright. I’d give you maybe ten minutes from when good old mom joined you before you’d think up excuses to leave.”

  “That’s not a nice thing to say.” She scowled.

  “Yeah, well it’s been a while since anything nice was said about me.” Shit, why the hell did I go and blurt that out? It was the truth, but not one I’d ever admitted to before.

  She’d started to look at me with pity and I felt anger narrowing my eyes. I didn’t want pity. I wanted… “Do not pity me,” I growled at her.

  Thalia looked away from me, and then took a deep breath before she met my eyes again. “Don’t get pissed with me, Jack. You’re the one who told me that.”

  “What’s going on?” Liam asked, walking onto the porch with his own coffee making us both jump.

  “We were just talking or debating something. Depends on which way you look at it,” Thalia said, looking straight at me. Having her eyes on me hurt, knowing she was with my brother. It was crazy and I needed to leave.

  Standing, I risked a glance at Thalia, and she looked disappointed that I was leaving, whereas Liam looked relieved.

  “I’ll catch you guys later.” I was half way down the porch steps when I remembered I still held the cup. Fuck. I turned and started back up the steps, nearly knocking Thalia, who’d stood up, off her feet. I made a grab for her, pulling her against me. I dropped the cup; my arm went around her waist while I steadied us both by grabbing hold of the railing with the other.

  Thalia had one of her hands wrapped tight in my t-shirt, against my back, causing a shiver to run through me. She felt damn good in my arms. I briefly tightened my hold before letting go. “Fuck.” I shoved her at Liam as I picked the cup up from the floor, which surprisingly hadn’t broken. With a quick glance at them both, I slammed the cup down onto the table, practically running to the stables to let off steam on my bike.

  Around Thalia, I needed to think about Mia, to stop myself from practically falling over my tongue when I looked at her. There was no way she would have missed the instant erection I’d gotten when she was in my arms. I’d felt her curves and those large breasts. God, I needed a cold shower or to call Mia, although I had the feeling it was only the latter that would get me to calm down!

  Chapter Fourteen


  “What’s going on between you and Jack?”

  So I h
adn’t imagined the tension between us? Sitting back down, I looked at Liam. “Nothing. Why?”

  “When he crashed into you, he looked ready to sling you over his shoulder and take you with him,” Liam grouched.

  I wish he had.

  Liam’s forehead creased in worry and I sighed. “There is nothing going on between me and your brother. He was sitting out here drinking his coffee when I walked out, not five minutes before you, plus we only met last night.”

  He ran his hands through his hair, and then looked at me. “Thalia, you need to remember he’s engaged and getting married in a few weeks. No matter what happens, he will be getting married, that I can guarantee you. Just be careful with him.”

  “I have no intention of needing to be careful with him, okay? I would like to be his friend, because something tells me he doesn’t have that many.”

  Liam scowled not looking too keen on that idea. “He’s your brother so why can’t we be friends? Wouldn’t you expect to be friends with his fiancée, Mia? After all she’s going to be your sister-in-law.”

  At first glance he looked upset, but then he offered me a wry grin. “Okay, you have me there. Let’s just forget it. Do you want to go to the lake today? You’ll probably like it there. We could take a boat out as well.”

  Liam held his hand out, so I placed mine in his and let him pull me up from the chair. “That sounds great, but I think you should know, I’m not a very good swimmer. I tend to stay in my depth, otherwise I struggle.”

  “If we go out on the lake, we have to wear life preserves anyway, so you’ll be okay. Just remember not to get too close to the bank without wearing the preserve, because it drops pretty deep within four feet.”