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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 7) Page 7
What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 7) Read online
Page 7
Liam held my hand all the way back through the house and upstairs. He only let go when he shoved me back into my bedroom telling me to get dressed so we could eat breakfast by the side of the lake.
The idea of going out on the lake filled me with dread, because of my fear of deep water. I could spend all day sitting on the beach watching the ocean, but being in it was something else entirely.
It was a warm day and as it got closer to noon the temperature would creep up as well, so as I wiggled into my jeans and a black and pink ‘Pink’ t-shirt, I tossed a bottle of sun lotion into my bag. I sure as hell didn’t want to end up looking like a lobster while I was staying with Liam and his family.
Which brought my mind back around to Jack. He’d felt good and hard up against me. Yeah, he had tight abs, but I’d also noticed the hardness against my stomach. Liam said that he’d looked ready to carry me off with him; I wouldn’t have protested. Sitting down on my bed, I buried my face in my hands.
Jack made me all hot and bothered, which was so not good because I was with Liam and Jack was getting married. He didn’t look or react like a man who was about to get married. How could he react to me like he did when he already had a woman? It just didn’t make sense. I wasn’t stupid and knew that some guys were unfaithful to their girlfriend or wife, but Jack didn’t come across like that. He came across as – lonely.
“Thalia, you ready?” Liam shouted through the door.
“Yeah. One minute.” I grabbed my purse and met him on the landing. “How far is it to the lake?” I asked walking down the stairs.
“Not too far. Maybe about ten minutes in the car.” He picked his car keys up out of the dish on the table by the door. “The restaurant at the lake has tables out on the deck with views across the lake.”
“That would be great.”
“What would be great?” Stephanie asked. I hadn’t noticed her standing in the doorway to the kitchen. She didn’t look as elegant as she had yesterday; today, she was in jeans and shirt, and she actually looked like a ‘mom’.
“I’m taking Thalia to the lake for breakfast.”
She frowned. “Are you sure? I can make you some pancakes if you’d like?”
Oh God, no!
“It’s okay, mom. I promised Thalia we’d spend the day there, and I want her to see the view from the restaurant. You know it’s not as busy in the morning as it is for lunch and dinner.”
Stephanie turned around and started to head back into the kitchen. “I’ll see you both later then. Enjoy yourselves.”
Liam took my hand and dragged me out of the house. “Glad we had that arranged before my mom spotted us. I need a break after last night.”
I laughed at his response, because it had been what I was thinking.
We’d no sooner climbed into his car; we were speeding down the drive.
“Slow down a bit. I can’t look around at this speed.”
He glanced over at me, rolling his eyes, but a warm smile spread across his face. He shifted into a lower gear and the sights of Alabama became clearer through the window. “You do realize that there are only trees and fields between here and the lake?”
“That doesn’t matter. I’ve never been to Alabama before so I want to take it all in.” Take it in I did, the hills, trees, farms, the covered bridge we drove through and then the beautiful view of the lake as we approached.
The day was starting to warm up some, as Liam pulled the car in to the lot at the restaurant which didn’t look too busy. He parked out front of it before climbing out of the car and running over to open my door.
“Thalia, I’m not sure this was a good idea,” Liam said, looking worried while I climbed out of the car.
What was he on about? I thought it was the best idea he’d come up with. “Why?”
He seemed on edge. “Jack’s here with Mia.” He pointed towards two cars parked towards the back of the lot.
“I haven’t met Mia yet so let’s go in.” I took his hand while we walked towards the entrance, about to let go once we were inside, but Liam tightened his hold on me. I gave him a quizzical look. “Liam?”
He glanced over my shoulder then groaned. Turning I spotted, who I presumed to be Mia, sitting with Jack, a frown on her face.
“No escape,” Liam grumbled.
As we walked closer I chanced a look in Jack’s direction, only to find his eyes fixed on me, while Mia hugged Liam in greeting.
“Mia, this is my girlfriend, Thalia. Thalia, this is Jack’s fiancée, Mia.”
Mia seemed to wince and I wasn’t sure whether it was because Liam introduced me as his girlfriend or herself as Jack’s fiancée. “Hi,” I said, feeling embarrassed with Jack’s gaze not wavering. What was he doing looking at me like that when his fiancée was sitting across from him?
“Thalia, that’s a real nice name. Why don’t you and Liam join us? I’m not eating anything so you can keep Jack company.” Without waiting for a reply, she pulled Liam down beside her on the bench seat, which meant I had to take the seat next to Jack.
Jack slid further along to make room for me to slide in next to him. I met his eyes again, which hadn’t moved since I’d walked into the restaurant. He made me so damn hot with just one look. It was so unfair. Why didn’t I have that kind of reaction to Liam?
The server appeared with menus so I ordered sausage, pancakes with syrup and a large coffee. Sitting back in my seat I ended up brushing against Jack’s arm. He froze and straightened in his seat; his thigh brushed against mine. He cursed under his breath, but didn’t move. All I wanted to do was climb astride him. I could feel my blush working its way up my neck as tingles shot through me from where we touched, ending between my thighs. I felt like squirming.
“How can you eat so much?” Mia asked, as our piping hot food was placed in front of us.
Mia had a glass of water and that was it. “I’m hungry, plus I like my food. Fast metabolism, I guess.” I shrugged and glanced at Liam. “Are we going on the lake after breakfast?”
“That’s the plan.”
I was really unsure about going out on so much water; it just made me feel uncomfortable.
“Thalia, you’ll be fine,” Liam said, trying to reassure me.
I’d just taken a bite of my pancake when I felt Jack looking at me; again. I turned my head and met his look head on.
“Why are you nervous about going on the water?” he asked under his breath.
Shifting in my seat to face him, it brought our thighs even closer together, in fact any closer and I’d be sitting in his lap. His eyes flared. I gulped and replied, “I don’t swim too well. I get kind of nervous when I’m in, or on water, out of my depth.”
He stayed silent, brooding.
“What’s the big deal, she’ll be fine. If the worst happens and we end up in the water, then I’ll be with her, and I can swim fine,” Liam grumbled, carrying on eating his breakfast while he listened to Mia going on about what she’d been up to since she’d last seen him.
“How well do you swim?” Jack asked.
“I can’t,” I whispered under my breath.
“Fuck. Perhaps going out on the water isn’t such a good idea.” Jack seemed worried about me. “You need to have lessons.”
Teach me please! I wouldn’t mind seeing him in swim shorts.
Reaching out, I touched his thigh, before I even knew what I was doing. “Liam said I’d have a life preserve on. I can do this.” I tried to convince Jack at the same time as myself. I went to remove my hand, but found it engulfed in his under the table. He held on briefly, squeezed then let me go.
Through the rest of the meal I was conscious of Jack sitting beside me with our thighs touching, and an occasional brushing of arms. I tried to concentrate on finishing my breakfast, which was easier said than done, because all I wanted to do was run my hands all over him.
I glanced at Liam to see if he’d noticed the exchange between his brother and me, but luckily he’d decided to switch off, and Mia was
watching the antics of some girls at the side of the lake through the window.
When Mia turned back to the table, she glanced at my plate, then me, and then my plate again. She seemed shocked that I’d eaten everything that had been put in front of me.
Mia pulled herself back together and looked at Jack for the first time since we’d started to eat. “Jack, I’m just going to the little girl’s room. I’ll be back in a minute.” She shoved Liam out of the way and, standing up, sauntered off towards the restrooms.
“I need to take a leak as well, before we go on the water.” Liam followed Mia.
Sitting alone with Jack felt awkward, I chanced a glance at him, but he was looking out of the window. Without a word to Jack, I stood, and started to walk to the cashier desk, only to have Jack come up on my right side taking hold of my arm, which he held on to, until we’d reached the front. I reached into my purse, but Jack put his hand over mine.
“It’s on me,” he said holding my gaze before looking away.
I gulped, his hand felt good and his take charge tone had me wanting and lusting for him to really take charge.
“Thank you.”
Jack paid and guided me to the alcove by the door to wait for Liam and Mia. I looked at him, but he was too busy gazing outside so I carried on looking at him. He was a hot guy and for once I was glad that Callie wasn’t with me, otherwise she’d be flirting, and I think I’d have to cause her bodily harm. I had no right feeling the way I did and the fact that I did pissed me off.
Shit. While I’d been acting all jealous, Jack had turned his attention to me. I met his eyes and wished I hadn’t, when I saw the heat in them.
“Okay, you ready for the lake?” Liam asked, putting his arm around me.
“Yeah, I guess.” I was unsure about the trip on the lake. It looked pretty from land with the sun beating down on it, and would make for some good photographs, but out on the water, I just wasn’t sure.
“Jack, will you walk me to the car?” Mia asked. She walked past Jack to the door and stood there waiting for him to open it.
Instead, Liam moved away from me and dashed to the door, opened it, then followed Mia through. I followed more slowly, wondering what happened to Liam’s manners, and why would he leave me behind to go dashing off with Mia.
As I started to walk past Jack, I avoided looking at him, but he quickly put his arm around my waist from behind, pulling me tight against him. “Be careful on the lake,” he whispered in my ear before releasing me as quickly as he’d taken hold of me. He dashed off towards Mia.
Both of them left me standing at the door of the restaurant, wondering what the hell had just happened as goose bumps rose across my skin. I wasn’t turned on. No I wasn’t. Keep telling yourself that. God, I needed to talk to Callie.
Chapter Fifteen
“Jack, slow down. My legs aren’t as long as yours are,” Mia whined. “What the hell’s gotten into you?”
I pulled up short and turned to look at her. Shaking myself mentally, I took a deep breath. It wasn’t Mia’s fault. It was mine. I was pissed at myself for being so damn hot for Thalia.
When Thalia had brushed up against my arm, my dick had twitched, and then the minute we’d touched, thigh to thigh, it had wanted to come out and play. I’d tortured myself by keeping my thigh against hers. It had been too damn long since I’d felt a longing for someone, and in truth never like it was with Thalia. We’d only just met, so I had no idea what the hell was going on.
“Sorry Mia. I was miles away.”
“You’re getting just like Daddy. Whenever we go out anywhere he’s always thinking about work,” She said coming to a stop beside her car.
She wouldn’t be so calm if she knew what, or rather who, I’d been thinking about.
She opened her car door so I moved into her space, and waited until she was seated, before I asked, “Do you want to do something tonight?”
Mia looked as shocked as I felt. I hadn’t meant to ask her that, because spending more time than I had to with her wasn’t what I wanted to do. Still, I did need a distraction from the thoughts running through my mind.
“Maybe another night.” She patted me on the hand. “You know I don’t like going out midweek.”
“Okay. I’ll see you later.”
Stepping away from the car, I watched her drive out of the lot. Running my hands through my hair, I turned and walked towards the boat rentals.
My brother was a fucking idiot for taking Thalia out on the lake when she couldn’t swim. I knew a life preserve stopped you from drowning, but not being able to swim and stuck in deep water would scare the shit out of anyone. Hopefully that wouldn’t happen, but I planned to make sure it didn’t, regardless of how much it pissed Liam off.
Just about to walk around the corner to the boating house, I bumped into my brother. “Where are you going?”
“What are you doing here? I thought you were going off with Mia and what about work?” Liam did his usual act of avoiding a question by asking his own.
“You finished?” He gave me the look. “First I’ve come to make sure you don’t do this half assed, seeing as how your girlfriend can’t swim. Second, Mia is getting her hair done and some other girly shit and thirdly, I’m not in the office for a few days. Does that answer your questions?”
He frowned. “Go and help Thalia into her life preserve, while I go and get something.”
He left me heading towards his car. What an ass. His girlfriend needed help and he left her to her own devices.
I stayed where he left me wondering what the hell to do. Thalia turned me on to distraction so being close to her wasn’t the wisest idea, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to settle unless I checked her preserve out first. Damn, who was I kidding? I wouldn’t be able to settle until she was back on dry land.
Praying for strength, I turned the corner to see Thalia struggling with the straps on the preserve, looking nervous. Walking over to her, I moved her hands away gently. Her eyes filled with a combination of relief and surprise when she saw me.
“You don’t need to do this,” I whispered.
She met my eyes and shook her head slightly.
“Tell Liam you’ve changed your mind.”
She nervously licked her lips with my eyes following the movement.
“I can’t. I’ll be okay. Please don’t worry about me, Jack.”
Ignoring the worry comment, I told her, “My brother is an idiot.” I tightened the straps and made sure the one she’d managed to do herself was fastened correctly. “I’m going to hang around while you’re out there, okay?”
We stood practically chest-to-chest. I reached up with my hand and took hold of one of her dark curls, which wrapped around my finger before I moved it behind her ear.
“Okay, you ready?” Liam said, reappearing out of the blue.
I pulled my arm away and stepped back. “She’s all fastened in.” I moved my eyes away from Thalia to glare at my brother. “You better take it easy out there. Just remember your passenger can’t swim.”
“Fuck, what the hell is wrong with you? I’m not stupid. She’ll be okay with me. We’re just going on a gentle sail on the SMOOTH LAKE, nothing rocky. Stop worrying ‘mom’.”
Fucking hell, he was going to be meeting my fist before long.
“Thalia, come on. Ignore Jack, everyone else does.”
All I wanted to do was strangle my brother, but instead I shoved my hands into the back pocket of my jeans.
“That’s not nice, he’s done nothing but help me, which is more than I can say for you. You know I’m frightened of going out there,” Thalia told Liam, after hitting him in the chest.
How the hell I didn’t burst out laughing, I’d never know. I glanced over to her and noticed her pissed expression, which was directed at my brother.
She then turned to me. “Thank you, Jack.”
She’s the first person that I
could remember to ever get pissed on my behalf. I needed to get out of there.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” I said and caught the look on Thalia’s face. Panic.
Keep walking. Keep walking.
Without glancing back, I walked to my car and climbed in, but couldn’t bring myself to put the key into the ignition. I’d promised Thalia that I would stay around. Fuck. I climbed back out of the car and went up into the café so I could keep watch without Liam or Thalia noticing.
Chapter Sixteen
As Liam led me towards the boat all I wanted was for it to be Jack. Why was Jack more worried about my safety than my so called ‘boyfriend’? Since we’d eaten breakfast, Liam had been in a snit about something. What it was, I had no idea. He was annoying the hell out of me, and knew good and well that I was nervous about going out on the water, but he’d still disappeared to the car to retrieve his cell phone. His response had been that if something happened out there, we’d be stuck without a cell. I’d pointed out that I had mine with me, but oh no, he still had to leave me alone and go fetch his.
If Jack hadn’t appeared when he did, I’d have thrown my preserve off and gone into the café to wait for Liam. Yeah, it would have looked like I was acting like a five year old, but inside I was freaking out. There was a lot of water in the lake.
Jack had realized how freaked I was, but not Liam. As I climbed into the boat I looked around for Jack, he’d said he would hang around and for some reason that gave me the extra boost of confidence that I needed. I couldn’t see him, but his car was still in the lot.
“Thalia, who you looking for?”
“No one.”
He grinned. “I’m not blind, or contrary to what my brother thinks, an idiot.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Could I have been any more obvious? Ugh!
“Yeah right.” He pushed us off from the small pier and started to row.
“Do you want me to help?” I honestly didn’t fancy moving, but I felt a bit mean just sitting and letting him do all the work.